1.) What do YOUR friends count on YOU for?
Someone to talk to
2.) What do you do for your parents or guardians to help them out when you have time?
Clean the house or watch my little sister
3.) What DIFFICULTIES or barriers have you overcome to get where you are now?
I've been struggling with custody problems with my parents for about 3 years. I haven't been able to see or talk to my mom for almost a year now. I think about it all the time but I just try to do things to keep my mind off of it
4.) What COURAGEOUS things have you done that you feel good about?
Making good grades
5.) What GOOD QUALITES did you inherit from your family?
Maturity, looks,
6.) If one of your friends at school were to BRAG about you, what would they say?
That I'm the realest person ever
7.) IF YOU felt totally comfortable bragging about yourself, what would YOU brag about? What are you most PROUD of?
That I'm honest and respectful
8.) What PRAISE or acknowledgment have you gotten from your teachers?
If you don't actually try in school then you wont get anywhere in life
9.)If you suddenly had to move far away like if your folks got a job in a different part of the country, what would your friends or teachers or neighbors MISS most about you? How would their lives be more difficult, less fun, or less interesting if you weren't there?
They would miss me because I'm funny and always there for them. I always find stuff for us to do so I think they would be really bored w/o me
10.)Name about SIX QUALITIES or characteristics of OTHER people that you most respect or admire.
When people are respectful, loyal, trustworthy and honest
11.) Which of the qualities you named above are also true about YOU? For each of those qualities, tell what you DO that gives people the impression that you have that quality.
I'm respectful, trustworthy and honest
12.) Think of a PROBLEM that came up that had other people stumped, but that YOU were able to do something about, to improve the situation. What did YOU do? What does that say about your abilities?
I don't know
13.) Which subjects are you best at in school? Why do you like those courses?
I'm best at English. All we really do in there is vocabulary words and grammar and that's easy for me
14.)What do you KNOW so well-or DO so well- that you could teach it to others? What's the main TIP you'd tell people about how to do that fabulously?
I don't know
15.) What CREATIVE things have you done that you feel good about?
I don't know
16.) Describe something you DESIGNED, CREATED, built, made, or fixed up, that gave you a strong sense of satisfaction. Tell why you feel good about it.
I don't know
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